"Quand" corresponds exactly to the English word "when" in circumstances where "when" is linked to time.
Quand allez-vous? When are you going?
Je te visiterai quand je serai à Lyon. I will visit you when I am in Lyon.
Je me sentais mal quand j'ai vu ça. I felt bad when I saw that.
"Lorsque" can be used in exactly the same way as "quand" to mean "when" except when forming a question. Thus, it would be correct to say:
Je te visiterai lorsque je serai à Lyon. I will visit you when I am in Lyon.
Je me sentais mal lorsque j'ai vu ça. I felt bad when I saw that.
However, it would be incorrect to say:
Lorsque allez-vous? When are you going?
[My skin is crawling right now because this sounds so awful.]
One other use of "quand" corresponds to the English conjunction "whenever". An example would be:
Quand il arrive, je sort. Whenever he comes, I leave.
"Lorsque" does not mean "whenever" ever. Whenever you want to say whenever use "quand".
Finally, "lorsque" can mean "when" when in English "when" actually means "whereas". Here are some examples:
Il jouait au tennis lorsqu'il devait étudier. He was playing tennis when/whereas he should have been
Si je voyais un serpent je me fuirais If I were to see a snake I would run away when/whereas
lorsqu'il faudra ne pas bouger. I should stand still.
It seems that "Quand" is used when asking a question about when, and "Lorsque" is used when making a statement about when.